Originally published by The Buckeye Flame

The need for sober spaces within the LGBTQ+ community is becoming increasingly urgent, as highlighted by local leaders and recovery advocates in Cleveland. Traditional LGBTQ+ venues, like gay bars and nightclubs, often pose challenges for individuals struggling with addiction, forcing them to choose between their health and community.

Tony Correa, founder of B. Riley House, an LGBTQ+ specific sober house in Cleveland, emphasizes the importance of spaces where LGBTQ+ individuals can connect without the presence of alcohol. B. Riley House provides vital support services but lacks the ability to offer social environments beyond treatment. Ryan Thomason, a social worker, created Ohio's first LGBTQIA+ Smart Recovery meeting to provide an affirming, secular space for recovery support, reflecting the growing demand for such environments.

Data shows that LGBTQ+ individuals face higher rates of substance use disorders, underlining the need for preventive measures and inclusive recovery spaces. The Greater Cleveland LGBTQ+ Community Needs Assessment (CNA) is addressing this gap by identifying the specific needs of the community. Through comprehensive data collection and focus groups, the CNA is highlighting the critical need for more LGBTQ+ friendly sober spaces and support systems.

As the CNA's results are anticipated in October, there is hope for more initiatives to create inclusive sober spaces, ensuring LGBTQ+ individuals in Ohio can thrive in supportive environments.

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